We provide our clients with dedicated and specifically tailored business and legal advice necessary to succeed in today’s ever-changing entertainment marketplace.
Our attorneys have experience representing a large variety of clients in the entertainment industry, ranging from Film, Television, Music, Theater, Art, Photography, Publishing, and Entertainment Litigation.

We provide specifically tailored business and legal advice necessary to succeed in today’s ever-changing entertainment marketplace.

Film & Television
MLG attorneys have experience representing a wide range of entertainment industry clients, including writers, directors, producers, managers, actors, movie production, financing and distribution companies. Our lawyers have solid experience in negotiating and drafting production, financing, distribution, and licensing agreements, to cover virtually every facet of a production. We are committed to representing both larger entities as well as documentarians and other independent filmmakers.

MLG can draft and negotiate record, publishing, production, management, distribution, touring, merchandising, corporate sponsorship, licensing and digital media agreements. Our lawyers have experience consulting with artists as well as record and publishing companies regarding their financing, entertainment and online strategies and the protection of their intellectual property rights.

Art & Photography
MLG’s attorneys have experience working with artists, photographers and graphic designers to help them develop, protect and profit from their creative work.

Our lawyers have experience negotiating talent, theater financing and intellectual property rights agreements for a wide range of theater clients, including creative talent, producers and owners of underlying rights.

With experience in both the traditional print and digital media market sectors, our lawyers can negotiate and draft publishing, licensing, marketing and option agreements for our clients.

Entertainment Litigation
MLG has an experienced team of multi-disciplinary litigators. Our attorney’s diverse experience provides us with a solid entertainment litigation, arbitration and mediation practice. Our lawyers can handle matters ranging from intellectual property infringement and right of publicity, to technology, financing, distribution, and partnerships in the entertainment industry.